RIP Kim Mohan

My friend and colleague Kim Mohan passed away today at age 73. I met him when I joined TSR. He was one of the TSR people whose names I recognized[1], so getting to talk to him in person was a cool thing. When Wizards of the Coast bought TSR, he and I were part of…

Polymorph, Wild Shape, and Owlbears

(The owlbear in the D&D movie trailer prompted me to finally write this article, which I’ve been meaning to do for over a year now!) Back in 2012, there was a discussion on the Paizo boards that led to talking about shapechanging spells, specifically ones that let you turn into an animal, and what those…

Trivia & Anecdotes: Into The Dragon’s Lair

This is a story about the very first 3rd edition D&D Forgotten Realms adventure, Into the Dragon’s Lair, and wow it’s a doozy. It’s the year 2000. Wizards of the Coast is about to release the 3rd edition of D&D. We’d had a lot of positive excitement about this edition, helped by some great Gen…

Dollar Bill

Sean’s Adulting Class

I’m teaching a once-a-week class on “adulting” at a Seattle middle/high school. This is the outline I’m using for the class. As a person who considers himself an “extremely competent adult,” everything on this list is something I think a reasonably competent adult should know how to do (barring some sort of illness, injury, or…

It’s Just a Punch to the Neck

This is a true story that happened to me on December 19, 2012. I had it posted on my Facebook and now I’ve migrated it to here. (First of all: I am unharmed.)This morning [December 19, 2012], I went to Starbucks as usual.There was a guy right outside the entrance smoking.As I walked through the…

I Dreamed Of Heroes

(Years ago I wrote this memory of a dream, and at the time I posted it as a FB note. Anyway, I’m slowly cutting stuff from my FB page and putting it on my blog, so here we go…) I have problems sleeping.Sometimes I take melatonin to help with that.I don’t usually remember my dreams.Melatonin…

Cypher System Descriptors as Character Species

At this year’s GameHole Con I ran several sessions of a one-shot Ptolus adventure[1] using the Cypher System. I brought pregenerated characters so we could get right into the gaming. Two different groups had a player ask, “some of these say ‘Dwarf’ or ‘Elf,’ does that mean the other characters are human?” Specifically, three of…

Claim the Sky: Sean’s History of Superheroes

Back in December, MCG had a Kickstarter to create some RPG books about superheroes. The first of those books, a high-action MCU-style rulebook and setting called Claim the Sky, is now on preorder. On the last day of that Kickstarter, I posted a whole bunch of things on Twitter talking about my own history with…