I’m Gonna Start a Patreon

I’m gonna start a Patreon, probably in December 2022. Partly because I want people to be able to find me if Twitter stops working, and partly to incentivize myself to post more articles (I do post them here on this WordPress blog now and then, but I’m the sort of person who gets a lot…

Polymorph, Wild Shape, and Owlbears

(The owlbear in the D&D movie trailer prompted me to finally write this article, which I’ve been meaning to do for over a year now!) Back in 2012, there was a discussion on the Paizo boards that led to talking about shapechanging spells, specifically ones that let you turn into an animal, and what those…

Claim the Sky: Sean’s History of Superheroes

Back in December, MCG had a Kickstarter to create some RPG books about superheroes. The first of those books, a high-action MCU-style rulebook and setting called Claim the Sky, is now on preorder. On the last day of that Kickstarter, I posted a whole bunch of things on Twitter talking about my own history with…

confused troll

Write What I Pay You To Write

(This used to be a Note on Facebook, thought I should move it over here where others can see it, especially as I’ve left FB because they’ve played a big role in enabling fascism and the alt-right these past few years.) When I do game convention panels about how to be a good freelancer, I…

prototype cover art for Goody White's Book of Folk Magic

Goody White in print!

Goody White’s Book of Folk Magic, my quirky book of spells for Pathfinder and the Cypher System, is finally available in print! (I’ve actually been shipping out print copies to the Kickstarter backers for a few weeks now, but now those are finally all on their way, so I’ve opened it up for anyone to…

Paizo logo

Paizo Deity Article Easter Eggs

  Over the past few weeks I’ve been posting easter eggs about the various god articles I wrote for the Paizo adventure paths; this info appeared on my Facebook fan page and Twitter, but just in case you don’t read those, I’m reposting them here. 2/5 Abadar: The planar ally Ghost of Malthus is based on…

prototype cover art for Goody White's Book of Folk Magic

Goody White’s PDF is on sale

Back in August 2014, I kickstarted a little book called Goody White’s Book of Folk Magic, which has Goody White explaining (in-character) a bunch of “folk remedies,” which are then presented as PFRPG spells, witch hexes, and rituals that even non-spellcasters are able to learn. Last month, I sent out PDF copies to the kickstarter backers.…

blue wizard

I Like Cantrips

I like cantrips. Part of my interest in cantrips was probably inspired by Jon Winter’s article “The Little Wish” in Dragon Magazine #221, where he offers suggestions as to what cantrips from each school can do (this is back in the 2E AD&D days, where there was a spell called cantrip, and it covered all the…

Five Moons RPG cover

Five Moons RPG: Simplifying Monsters and NPCs

I’ve written and developed about a zillion monsters for D&D and Pathfinder. Low CR, high CR, mythic, and many weird corner cases. One of the reasons I wrote the Great Paizo Mythical Stat Block Spreadsheet was to handle all of the cumbersome math and formatting for creature stat blocks–calculating BAB, saves, skill ranks, numbers of…